About me

I’m a writer/editor at Rice University in Houston, TX, where I also teach first-year writing. (Past seminars include “Intro to Academic Writing,” “Masterworks of Fiction,” “What is Citizenship?”, “Detectives & Detections,” and “Business in Literature & Film.”)

I’ve worked in Higher Ed with students, staff, and faculty in various capacities for over a decade, including five years as a senior advisor to international students and scholars.

I love translating complex research for diverse audiences and telling stories about the people who use it to improve the world.

I’m currently a member of the marketing and communications team at Rice’s business school, where I’ve written about a range of topics, including:

I have a Ph.D. in English from Rice (2022), specializing in the impacts of U.S. literature on notions of American citizenship (and vice versa).

I also write freelance for various publications. I’d love to work with you! Email me at: scott.a.pett at gmail.com